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Thank you for your interest in selling your products at our Market!

We accept applications every year, generally January through April, for the following summer, fall, and winter markets.

To sell at the Market, a vendor MUST meet the following qualifications:

  • Live and grow/raise products within 50-miles of Rochester, Minnesota.

  • Products are grown/raised by the vendor, his/her family, and the vendor's employees/hired labor

Vendor Categories


A vendor who has permanent weekly status within the market and may choose not to attend on any date while retaining their spot.


Our permanent vendor membership is currently FULL, and temporary vendors are offered permanent spots as they become available based on seniority.


A vendor who applies prior to the annual temporary vendor deadline (February)  and who may request to attend any market.

Available spots are assigned to temporary vendors in order of date of earliest consecutive application received.

($50 per day)


A vendor who apply after the annual deadline (March or later) and may request to attend any market.


Available spots are assigned in order of date application was received.

Probationary vendors pay higher weekly stall fees and a administrative fee .

($65 per day)


A vendor who sells foods for immediate consumption that are cooked/prepared during Market hours.


 Approved concession vendors may choose to attend any Saturday market during the summer season. 

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Vreeman Meats_Resized-3.jpg


All custom-processed meat, poultry and fish products sold at the market must be 100% from animals or fish raised by the farmer/producer.


The primary ingredient in sausage or other value-added products must be grower-originated.


Meat, poultry, and fish must be housed and fed on the vendor's farm or approved leased land for a minimum duration before harvesting/producing:

·poultry (28 days, egg layers exempt)

·lamb/goat/deer (90 days)

·hogs/boars/fish (120 days)

·beef/bison/elk (240 days)

Fresh Cow Milk


If produced by the vendor, dairy products may be value-added commercially.

The value-added product must contain at least 90% raw components produced by the vendor on his farm.

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James and Jellies:

Preserves may be sold if the vendor produces the main ingredient(s) and produces the product.


Ingredients must be listed on the label, and the vendor should identify which ingredients are produced by the vendor.

Learn about Cottage Food Laws Here 

Wood Curving


Crafts must be produced substantially from farm-grown or -raised components.

Crafts may not be the sole item sold.

What can be sold at our Market?

 All foods must meet applicable Minnesota State Department of Agriculture and/or Health regulations.

All applicants are reviewed and approved by our Board of Directors. 

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The following items are generally allowed:

·Fruits                ·Nuts

·Vegetables      ·Herbs

·Food Grains    ·Flowers

·Eggs                ·Honey

·Maple Syrup   ·Sorghum

·Bedding plants or nursery stock started from seed or raised by the grower for 45 days or more.

The following items are regulated individually by the board of directors:

Fresh Cow Milk


If produced by the vendor, dairy products may be value-added commercially.

The value-added product must contain at least 90% raw components produced by the vendor on his farm.


BAked Goods:

Vendors may sell baked goods only if they are selling other products that are grown or raised on their farm.

If some ingredients of the baked goods are raised by the vendor, the vendor is not required to sell other products.

Learn about Cottage Food Laws Here 

Wood Curving


Crafts must be produced substantially from farm-grown or -raised components.

Crafts may not be the sole item sold.

2019. Prosper Valley

Canned Goods:

Canned goods may be sold if the vendor produces the main ingredient(s), processes the product, and meets Minnesota State regulations for display, labeling, and production.

Learn about Cottage Food Laws Here 

Image by Mario Mesaglio

Jams and Jellies:

Preserves may be sold if the vendor produces the main ingredient(s) and produces the product.


Ingredients must be listed on the label, and the vendor should identify which ingredients are produced by the vendor.

Learn about Cottage Food Laws Here 

Beef Steak


All custom-processed meat, poultry and fish products sold at the market must be 100% from animals or fish raised by the farmer/producer.


The primary ingredient in sausage or other value-added products must be grower-originated.


Meat, poultry, and fish must be housed and fed on the vendor's farm or approved leased land for a minimum duration before harvesting/producing:

·poultry (28 days, egg layers exempt)

·lamb/goat/deer (90 days)

·hogs/boars/fish (120 days)

·beef/bison/elk (240 days)

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The Board of Directors will consider admittance of a limited number of food concession stands on a case-by-case basis.  

Menus must be approved in advance.

Products must be made primarily from the farmers/producers own produce, dairy, meats, and cheeses, or made primarily from ingredients purchased from market farmers/growers.


All prepared, ready-to-eat food producers should be familiar with what is at market and adjust their offerings to reflect what is seasonal. Process and equipment must meet all standards set out by the city/county/state.

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© 2023 Rochester Farmers Markets

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